sind valley artinya
- valley: jurang; lembah; sungai; lurah; kali; l?mbah
- sindères: sindères
- umayyad governors of sind: gabenor umaiyah di sind
- Onway to Sonmarg through Sind Valley YouTube
Diakses tanggal 2 Juli 2012. Onway to Sonmarg through Sind Valley YouTube - The entrance of the Sind Valley lies 33 kilometres (21 mi) northeast of Srinagar the capital of Jammu and Kashmir.
Area masuk menuju Lembah Sind berada 33 kilometer (21 mi) timur laut Srinagar ibu kota Jammu dan Kashmir. - It is bordered by Kashmir Valley to the west, and Sind Valley to the north, and covers a length of 40 km.
Lembah ini dibatasi oleh Lembah Kashmir di sebelah barat dan Lembah Sind di utara serta membentang sepanjang 40 km. - The Sind Valley still connects Ladakh with the rest of India through a National Highway NH 1D, though it remains closed during winter due to heavy snowfall at Zojila.
Lembah Sind kini masih menghubungkan Ladakh dengan daerah India lainnya melalui Jalan Raya Nasional NH 1D yang ditutup selama musim dingin akibat adanya salju yang kerap turun lebat di Zojila. - When he was resting from his extended journeys into Central Asia, he spent most of his time living in a tent in the spectacularly beautiful alpine meadow called Mohanmarg which lies at the mouth atop the Sind Valley where from he translated Rajatarangini from Sanskrit to English.
Ketika ia beristirahat dalam perjalanannya di Asia Tengah, ia biasanya tinggal di dalam tenda di sebuah padang rumput di Mohanmarg berada di mulut Lembah Sind tempat ia menerjemahkan Rajatarangini dari bahasa Sanskerta ke bahasa Inggris.